Thank You

16 September 2011


10/10/2011 is our BIG BIG FINAL EXAM

so start from now me,Lily Syahida has been confirmed that I will be awaying myself out from this town of social network.auuu <3 such a big sacrifice.haha *poyo je
 wuwuwu.goodbye for a while to Twitter,Facebook,Formspring and also YOU,blogger.i will online back after the Final Exam.i wish i can do better than other examination with flying colours <3
Syawal will end up soon,no more raya for this year :'( so sad.I WILL MISS YOU,SYAWAL

KMS ENGLISH TOUR has been made a lot of sweet momments together.Now i love being TTJian.even there's a lot of stress,its okay for me. ;)


to KMSians and the best for your exams and Our upcoming exams,dude! make our parents proud of us and trust yourself YOU CAN DO IT and GO FOR IT! <3

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